Between Two Legs

Art by Maya Stoker.

"'Between Two Legs' is about the objectification of women and femme-presenting people and how they have been treated throughout time and in our society. The spread female legs are reminiscent of the trucker’s “mud flap woman.” Objects are placed over the female forms to reflect these damaging ideas in an ironic way. The humorous aspect invalidates the derogatory meanings associated with the objects depicted. Some are meant to be empowering while others shine light on the stereotypes imposed on women and their bodies through the male gaze. By presenting these negative metaphors in a comical way, I hope to lead people towards a more positive outlook on women and prompt them to think more about how they treat women in their daily lives.

For me, being a woman is about finding a voice. I express opposition to the oppression that many women and femme-presenting people face or internalize through society's damaging stereotypes and assumptions. As you look around, I encourage you all to think about your own biases and assumptions about women and how you see yourself."

- Maya Stoker

Published 18th February, 2024.

. H O L D E R . R E W A R D S .